William Brown

Montague Burton Professor of Industrial Relations
Master of Darwin College
Interests:Collective bargaining; payment systems; minimum wages; impact of legislative change; trade union recognition; employment contracts; arbitration
- Piecework Bargaining, 1973, London: Heinemann, 176 pp.
- The Changing Contours of British Industrial Relations, 1981 Oxford: Blackwell, 160 pp.
- The Individualisation of the Employment Contract in Britain, 1998, (with S. Deakin, M. Hudson, C. Pratten and P. Ryan), Employment Relations Research Series No 4, London: Department of Trade and Industry, 98 pp.
- Employment Relations in Britain: 25 Years of the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service, (editor with B. Towers), 2000, Oxford: Blackwell, 198 pp.
- The Evolution of the Modern Workplace, (editor with A. Bryson, J. Forth and K. Whitfield), 2009, forthcoming, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 357 pp.
Recent papers in journals
- ‘Restoring the World’s Dream’, in ‘Labor History Symposium’, Labor History, Vol 48 No 3, 2007, pp352- 357.
- ‘What has been happening to collective bargaining under New Labour? Interpreting WERS 2004’, with Nash, D., Industrial Relations Journal, 2008, 39:2, 91-103.
- ‘Does partnership at work increase trust? An analysis based on the 2004 Workplace Employment Relations Survey’, Industrial Relations Journal, 2008, 39:2, 124-153.
- ‘How far can a minimum wage compensate for the decline in collective bargaining? The challenges facing Germany and Britain’, with A. K. Skarpelis, Comparative Labour Relations Bulletin, 2008, No 67, 181 - 199.
- ‘The Process of Fixing the British National MinimumWage’, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 2009, 47:2, pp 429–443
- ‘Industrial Relations in Britain Under New Labour, 1997–2010: A Post Mortem’, Journal of Industrial Relations, 2011, pp 1-12
Chapters in books
- ‘Third Party Labour Market Intervention in Open Economies’, in Labour Market Deregulation in Australia, 2005
- ‘Conflict and labour’ in Jones, M. and Fabian, A. (eds), Conflict, Cambridge: CUP, 2006, pp 125-143.
- ‘Third party labour market intervention in open economies’, in Isaac, J. and Lansbury, R. D., Labour Market Deregulation: Rewriting the Rules, Sydney: The Federation Press, 2006, pp 191-203.
- ‘The Influence of Product Markets on Industrial Relations’, in The Sage Handbook of Industrial Relations, eds Blyton, P., Bacon, N., Fiorito, J., and Heery, E., 2008, Los Angeles: Sage Publications, pp 113 – 148.
- ‘Negotiation and collective bargaining’, in Terry, M.A., and Colling, T. (eds), Industrial Relations – Theory and Practice, (fourth edition), forthcoming 2009, Oxford: Blackwell.
- ‘Competition and the retreat from collective bargaining’, with Bryson, A. and Forth, J., in The Evolution of the Modern Workplace, Brown, W., Bryson, A., Forth, J. and Whitfield, K. (eds), forthcoming 2009, Cambridge: CUP.
- ‘Researching the changing workplace’, with Edwards, P. K., in The Evolution of the Modern Workplace, Brown, W., Bryson, A., Forth, J. and Whitfield, K. (eds), forthcoming 2009, Cambridge: CUP.
‘How Do We Make Minimum Wages Effective?’, in
Work and Empolyment Relations, 2011