Mohd Jailani bin Mohd Nor graduated with honours degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Oklahoma State University, USA in 1984. He received the M.Sc. degree from same university in 1988 after completing a certificate in education from the Technical Teaching College, Kuala Lumpur. In 1996, he received the Ph.D. degree from Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom for a thesis on the development of a machine condition monitoring system using audio acoustic signals.
He began his career as a tutor at the Department of Mechanical & Materials Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) in 1986. After getting his masters degree, he was appointed lecturer at the same department in 1988. He was made Associate Professor at UKM in 1998 and Professor in 2005. He was a coordinator for the UKM-KYPM Franchise Programme for about 1 ½ years from November 1997 before appointed as the Head of Department in 1 April 1999 for 5 years. In 2003, he was appointed as the Deputy Dean (Academic) for about 4 years before appointed as the Deputy Director at the Centre for Research and Innovation Management, UKM in April 2007. He is currently the Director for the Institutions of Higher Education Excellence Planning Division at the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia since 1st January 2009.
He has edited more than 15 books and conference proceedings, published more than 45 papers in refereed journals, authored more than 20 keynote and invited papers, produced more than 200 conference papers as well as numerous other writings including articles in popular publications, manuscripts, and technical reports.
Professor Jailani is a member and a registered professional engineer with the Board of Engineers Malaysia, a member of the International Institute of Acoustic & Vibration, President of the Protem Committee, Society for Vibration and Acoustics Malaysia (SVAM), member of the Malaysian Society for Non-Destructive Testing, and a Registered Consultant with the Department of Environment, Malaysia. He has received more than 20 academic and research awards, including two Gold medals for his research products at the Seoul International Invention Fair (SIIF 2004) Seoul Korea, and the international research showcase 2007 which was held in Nurnberg, Germany.
Years of experience in project management as commissioning engineer, commissioning manager and commissioning coordinator
Collective bargaining; payment systems; minimum wages; impact of legislative change; trade union recognition; employment contracts; arbitration
organizations, government agencies, local & multinationals companies in Malaysia. Conducting various ESQ leadership and character
Mohd Jailani bin Mohd Nor graduated with honours degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Oklahoma State University, USA in 1984.
Her career in those industries has taken her to experience countries like USA, Europe, UK and the Asia Pacific.
Dr Zainol has been a training facilitator and management consultant to various organizations and business establishments in Malaysia and the region since 1990.